tina heylen, jan palinckx en patrick vervueren
ism frieda en froefroe
(visual theatre, 5+)
a random city.
a bonnet when it snows,
sandals when the sun is shining.
fags are trampled,
dogs are walked, cars parked,
gum spat out, sauce spilled.
shutters and laptops shut
- a last one -
conversations freeze.
darkness rises.
a light in a window.
a boy that never sleeps,
wanders and looks around,
“lampe is a beautiful, essential and hopeful story about starting over.” (de morgen, ***1/2) (complete article in dutch)
“frieda creates a unique and dynamic kind of theatre, freely exceeding limits: performing art, architecture and pedagogy. they do so with a clearly expressed idealism: being understandable for the majority, without giving in to what is easy.” (tjp, strasbourg)
patrick vervueren on the evolution of objects through different frieda projects for www.corps-objet-image.com. (volledig artikel)
concept: tina heylen, jan palinckx and patrick vervueren
play: tina heylen, jan palinckx and wietse vermeulen.
sound: patrick vervueren
format: tina heylen, jan palinckx and marjan verachtert
production: frieda
coproduction: froefroe
met de steun van:
no bookings