eva binon, tina heylen en patrick vervueren
ism frieda
(visual art/ theatre for toddlers (3+) and adults)
integral (password on demand)
look! there's a machine!
and look over there! something is tumbling down!
there's babbling!
things meet! collide!
a clash?
a rendez-vous?
just look at that!
in TATTARЯATTAT!(*) species and individuals stand on, under, between, next, above, before, behind or opposite each other. a plank meets a beam. a woman smashes into herself. large watches small. abstract chats with itself, or argues with concrete. what’s the sound of blue? what does flat do? how much is firm?
TATTARЯATTAT! is a moving expressive work that categorizes, classifies, organizes, but also dances, sings and dreams. a festive discovery of difference and resemblance that can be lived and interpreted by both parent and child.
(*) tattarrattat is the longest palindromic word in the oxford english dictionary. james joyce used it ulysses (1922) for a knock on the door: 'i was just beginning to yawn with nerves thinking he was trying to make a fool of me when i knew his tattarrattat at the door.'
performances in 2023
06/08 boulevard festival 's hertogenbosch, 14h30
"this production surprises young and old, and keeps on doing so by a clean staging. (...) TATTARЯATTAT! is a gem of visual theater of things, in which things - being boards and beams - remain things as such. no metaphorical or symbolical hassle, just an ode to imagination and play." (tuur devens, de theaterkrant.nl) (complete article in dutch)
concept: eva binon, tina heylen, patrick vervueren
play: eva binon, ephraïm cielen/ arne leurentop/ jochem baelus, tina heylen, patrick vervueren
music: ephraïm cielen
light design: lucas van haesbroeck
technique: anton leyzen/ klaartje vermeulen
workplace: anton leyzen, marjan verachtert
production: frieda
coproduction: froefroe
with the support of: villanella, het krokusfestival
thanks to: huis mortier, kobe chielens, marc maillard
bookings: evelien@froefroe.be